Expand your vocabulary with engaging weekly podcasts

Each episode introduces new words, followed by a captivating short story that reinforces their meaning and helps them stick in your mind. Subscribe and start building your vocabulary!


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A person who uses popular prejudices and emotions to manipulate and control people.
To show clearly or make evident; to reveal.
To speak falsely or misleadingly; to lie.
A group of people accompanying a person of importance.
demagogue evince prevaricating retinue


The demagogue, a master of manipulation, stood atop the makeshift stage, his voice booming over the crowd. He promised prosperity and freedom, painting a utopian vision that seemed too good to be true. The crowd, hungry for change, cheered wildly.

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His retinue, a motley crew of sycophants and opportunists, stood behind him, their faces plastered with fake smiles. They knew that as long as the demagogue remained popular, they would reap the rewards.

But beneath the façade of charisma and confidence, the demagogue was a prevaricator. He had no intention of fulfilling his promises. His true goal was to seize power for himself and his cronies.

One day, a brave journalist exposed the demagogue's lies. The crowd, initially shocked and disappointed, quickly turned on him. The demagogue, realizing his power was slipping, fled with his retinue, leaving behind a nation in turmoil.

The demagogue's downfall evinced the dangers of trusting a leader who prevaricates and manipulates.


About this podcast

I've always wanted to expand my vocabulary, and for years I relied on spaced repetition flashcards like Anki to learn new words. However, I encountered two challenges. First, I'd use them consistently for a while, then lose the habit and have to restart. Second, while I could recall the words while studying, I never truly incorporated them into my everyday speech… [Continue Reading]