Expand your vocabulary with engaging weekly podcasts

Each episode introduces new words, followed by a captivating short story that reinforces their meaning and helps them stick in your mind. Subscribe and start building your vocabulary!


Current word list

Lively, animated, and full of enthusiasm.
Relating to or affecting the spirit or soul; mysterious or awe-inspiring.
Deep-seated bitterness and resentment.
Grumpy and bad-tempered, especially in a silent and withdrawn way.
effervescent numinous rancor sullen


The once vibrant community garden was choked by weeds, a testament to the rancor that had festered between Amelia and Beatrice, its founders. Years of shared laughter and fruitful harvests had dissolved into a bitter dispute, leaving the plot a battlefield of neglect.

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Amelia, her normally effervescent spirit dimmed, knelt amidst the overgrown vegetables, a sullen resentment clinging to her like the clinging vines. The memory of their last argument, fueled by accusations and hurt, played on a loop in her mind.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught her eye. A firefly, a tiny beacon of bioluminescent light, danced amidst the encroaching darkness. It was a fleeting glimpse of the numinous, a reminder of the beauty that still existed, even in this neglected space.

A choked sob escaped Amelia's lips. Shame washed over her, bitter and acrid. How could she have let their disagreement fester into such a destructive force? Looking across the plot, she saw Beatrice, her silhouette hunched over a neglected rose bush.

Taking a deep breath, Amelia rose. The rancor still lingered, a dull ache in her chest, but a fragile hope flickered alongside it. With a tentative smile, she walked towards Beatrice, the firefly's ephemeral glow a silent guide in the gathering dusk.


About this podcast

I've always wanted to expand my vocabulary, and for years I relied on spaced repetition flashcards like Anki to learn new words. However, I encountered two challenges. First, I'd use them consistently for a while, then lose the habit and have to restart. Second, while I could recall the words while studying, I never truly incorporated them into my everyday speech… [Continue Reading]